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The “Curriculum on Antisemitism from a Framework of Collective Liberation” is devoted to understanding and challenging antisemitism grounded in a deep commitment to justice and dignity for all people.


The curriculum and resources are participatory and interactive and build from people's own wisdom, knowledge, histories, and experience. 


Some of the topics in the curriculum include:​

  • Jewish Histories and Geographies

  • Understanding Antisemitism

  • Antisemitism from a Framework of Collective Liberation

  • Perspectives on Histories of Antisemitism

  • Intersecting Histories and Antisemitism

  • US Historical Context: Immigration, Race and Racialization

  • Antisemitism in the US Today:  White Nationalism, Tropes, Conspiracy Theories, & more

  • What Antisemitism is, and What It is Not; Use/Misuse of Data

  • Challenges, Possibilities, and Strategies: Working Together for Collective Liberation

In our exploration of antisemitism, we are deeply aware of the breadth and depth of Jewish experience. Jews come from many backgrounds, histories, and experiences. Jewish experiences of antisemitism necessarily differ as well. Antisemitism must be understood as contextual and as part of a historical continuum that interacts with society as a whole. Antisemitism is not static, but, rather, is part of historical, interactive processes. Historical and contemporary experiences of antisemitism do not define Jewish experience alone. We want to honor the richness of Jewish experiences and histories across the globe.


Throughout the curriculum, participants interact with excerpts from articles and books and other resources in the process of framing and analyzing a range of issues and thinking. The curriculum draws upon the work of educators, organizers and activists, scholars of Jewish history (sometimes overlapping categories), along with others, who have thought deeply about the issues within the curriculum (and many of whom we interviewed in the process of developing the curriculum.) The intention throughout the curriculum is for these voices to interact with one another in our exploration of how to effectively and meaningfully challenge antisemitism from a liberation framework. The more we delved into our research, we increasingly saw how this curriculum can open space for engaging more deeply–and interactively–with the issues raised in these different disciplines, further bringing them together to build upon their conceptual, theoretical, and experientially-rooted thinking.


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